Research - Teaching Vocabulary by Using Crossword Puzzle - Belum Kelar


Teaching Vocabulary by Using Crossword Puzzle

Andi Aspian NA – 21200140000001

A.    Introduction

Vocabulary is one of the important language aspect in learning English. Having vocabulary, students are easier to understand teachers’ explanation and also help them in learning four language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Turnbory (2002) argued without grammar very little can conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. This indicated the vocabulary has an important role in communicates the ideas. Students who have enough vocabulary are able to write and speak well. Additionally, students need to learn academic words list in understanding vocabulary. He added a recently published academic word list consist of 570 word families, covering a variety of disciplines arts, commerce, law, and science also includes such items as analyse, concept, data and research. This is important because those academic words can help students in learning huge number of vocabulary in the class.

In teaching learning process, there are many words that come from teachers’ explanation and students as listeners need to understand the meaning of those words. That is why students need to master vocabulary because vocabulary is very useful in their learning English language. As a facilitator of teaching learning process, teachers need to find appropriate way for teaching vocabulary to the students in order to make them involved in teaching learning process, such as giving various types of materials and exercise (Harmer, 2007). Besides, a various and up to date techniques of teaching and teachers ability in delivering the material able to make students interested and enjoy the teaching and learning activities in the classroom (AlQhatani, 2015).

In this case, the writer observed that crossword puzzle games to prove that it can increase students’ vocabulary mastery is learning English. Crossword puzzle game has benefits that motivate students in learning new vocabulary because crossword puzzle gives much opportunity for the students to practice and repeat the sentences pattern and vocabulary. In completing crossword puzzle, a students must be able to identify, analyze, and understand the terms being used particular context.



In addition crossword puzzle is simple easy and suitable for students Junior High School. By using crossword puzzle, writer hopes that students will gain interest and fun in learning English. Therefore, writer conduct a study on the title The Effectiveness of using Crossword Puzzle game In teaching Vocabulary”.

B.    Literature Review

1.     Understanding Vocabulary

a.     Vocabulary

Vocabulary has an important role in language. We should know the vocabulary when we are communicating or sharing ideas with other people. Vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. It means that vocabulary is the total number of words that are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers meaning. And that is the reason why vocabulary is important to learn (Hiebert & Kamil, 2005). Hornby (1995) added vocabulary is defined as a total number of words and language, all the words known to person or used, and it is list of words with their meaning. It means that vocabulary is collection of words that can help students to be able to speak and write something in English. Bauer (1998) presented vocabulary is about words with the origin, alteration, and relationship to other words so that people used in a language on the world. It means that vocabulary use for doing interaction or tells something to other.

b.     Types of Vocabulary

(Elfrieda & Kamil, 2005) produced there are many classifications made by the language experts about the types of vocabulary. Divide the types of vocabulary into:

1)    Productive vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the set of words that an individual can use in print or oral language. They are words that are well-known, familiar, and used frequently. It can be said that productive vocabulary are those words that are produced in reference to any suitable perspective and those words or those vocabulary should match the envisioned connotation of the speaker.

2)    Receptive vocabulary

Conversely, receptive,  or recognition, vocabulary is  that set of words for which  an individual  can  assign  meanings  when  listening  or  reading.  It means that receptive vocabulary is those words or those vocabulary which we get to hear or which we receive from somebody else in the language we are exposed to.

From those explanations above, the words from productive vocabulary are often use in our daily life. Otherwise, the words from receptive vocabulary is the vocabulary that students rare use frequently in their daily life.

c.     Teaching Vocabulary

(Schmitt, 2000) argued that there is no best way to teach vocabulary. There are many factor that can affected best practice of teaching vocabulary such as: the type of student. The target of words that should be mastered, and the school system and curriculum. Meanwhile, Gairns mentioned that there are some techniques of teaching the new vocabulary, such as:

1)    Visual techniques

These includes flashcards, photographs, blackboard drawing, wall charts, and realia (for example: objects themselves). Visual technique is a best way for teaching concrete items of vocabulary such as food or furniture, and certain areas of vocabulary such as places, professions, description of people, actions and activities (such as sport and verbs movement). Mime and gesture often used to complement other ways of delivering meaning. Teacher can use blackboard or gesture to illustrate the words.

2)    Verbal techniques.

a)     Use of illustrative situations (oral or written)

Illustrative situation is very helpful to ensure students understanding if they found the abstract items.

b)    Use of synonym and definition

Synonym can be used for low level students for restricting the length and complexity of students’ explanation. Sometimes definition cannot express the meaning of the word itself, so it needs brief examples to clarify the limits of the item.

c)     Contrasts and opposites.

This is a technique which teacher often use in intermediate level students for teaching the new words.

d)    Scales

Scales can be used for arranging the words based on its level, or use.

e)     Examples of the type

Visual aids can be used for showing the example of the type of the words. For example you may show the picture of sofa, chair and bed to describe the names of furniture.

3)    Translation

Translation can be a very effective way of conveying meaning. It can save valuable time that might otherwise be spent on a tortuous and largely unsuccessful explanation in English, and it can be a very quick way to dispose of low frequency items that may worry the students but do not warrant significant attention.

2.     Crossword Puzzle

As the writer mentioned above that there is some games that can applied in classroom to make learning activity more fun. Consider to some benefits that students could get in using games as a strategy in learning vocabulary, the writer tried to use crossword puzzle to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. Now, the writer would like to discuss more about crossword puzzle.

a.     The Understanding of Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle invented by Arthur Wynne as Liverpool journalist. He published the first crossword puzzle in The New York World on December 21, 1913. Crossword puzzle defined by Claire (2010) as word puzzle in a grid of black and white squares. The goal is to write one letter in each white square to make the words given by clues. The black squares tell where the word ends. It can be concluded that crossword puzzle is a game of words where the player is given a hint and the number of letters. The player then fills in a grid of boxes by finding the right words. Crossword puzzle is ideal for students to increasing their vocabulary and spelling ability. Teachers also may give themes in every crossword puzzle based on the topic that discussed in classroom.

b.     The Benefit of Playing Crossword Puzzle

Holmes (2002) stated that there are several kinds of enjoyment and benefit derivable from crosswords. The first one is the satisfaction from solving a clue which looks unsolvable. Then, you will get the pleasure when you have complete a whole grid. Third, by the process of self-discovery, you will find enjoyment because you have gained your new words, especially when you realize you have built up the answer correctly but the resulting word is unfamiliar.

In addition, for maintaining and improving vocabulary mastery, speaking skills and knowledge of many things can be done by doing crossword puzzle. Many people argue that the ability of solving crossword puzzle can place them in what level their socially and associated with their prestige (Moursund, 2006).

c.     Teaching Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle

When teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle, teacher should give some various ways to prevent students’ boredom of solving crossword puzzle. According to Lee (1980) the possible procedures that can use to teach crossword puzzle are:

1)      Teacher gives the same crossword puzzle for each students. They solve it individually with the help of clues.

2)      Teacher divides the class into groups. Then the teacher gives a different crossword for each group. Everyone in the group helps to solve it. However, if there is a more active member in a group, they tend to do all work. In otherwise, if there is a more passive member in one group, they will difficult to do all the work.

3)      Teacher gives crossword puzzle for all of students.  They do the crossword puzzle individually. Then the teacher divides the class into groups and they work in group. The students can share their answer to finish their crossword puzzle in their group.

4)    The teacher posts crossword puzzle on the board, but no written clues. The teacher gives clues orally and then the students solve the crossword step by step in conversation with the class. Learners come to the board and print the words in one by one, each team using differently colored marker. They can be written in on individual copies too. (Word-squares can also be played thus.)

5)    Crossword relay. There are some crossword frames consisting entirely of blank squares on the board based on the amount of the group in class. Teacher will say Go or Begin and a learner from each team hurries out, write the letter one by one on the team crossword, and hands the chalk to the second person in the team, who adds another letter, and so on. All the members of each team do this, and try to build up words. Scoring is based on the number of letters in the words which appear. There can also be a time limit, to encourage speed. It is even better to have one crossword for each group. If there are five learners in a group, there can still be, say 25 squares in ‘crossword, and each player will go out and add a letter five times. The advantage of basing the game on groups rather than relatively large teams is that it is easier for the members of impact group to consult one another quickly on what to write in next.

C.    Methods

This research is aimed to describe the teachers’ problem and students’ problem in teaching and learning crossword puzzle on seventh grade of Mts.s Al-Ikhlas Lambuya. This research use descriptive qualitative approach where qualitative was an approach in order to describe comprehensively about activities that happened with the object of the research.

The instrument used of this approach is the researcher itself as this technique conducting a sequence of activities of collecting the data and analyze started from the relationship, activities, situations or material. Furthermore, this research used purposive sampling technique.

Moreover, The researcher was takes the English teacher and one class as a sample of this research, it is appropriate with purposive sampling, that explain sampling is based on a specific purpose such as to balance: focus on research, scientific judgment, reason limited time, energy and money, and also students of this class have various capability so that the sample represents the population, for the students in this class have various ability.

The sample was taken from class VII B which consist of 30 students that has been chosen based on the preliminary research where their score was almost balance between the number of the students with score more than or same as 70 as the target score and with less score.

In this research, observation was used to get data about process of teaching learning vocabulary by using crossword puzzle, the teacher’s problem in teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle and the student’s problem in learning vocabulary by using crossword puzzle at the first semester of the seventh grade students of Mts.s Al-Ikhlas Lambuya. In addition, after observing their teaching learning process, the researcher was interviewing the teacher’s problems in teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle. Interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and interviewee) where questions will be asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interview. Then, this interview aim to make sure about the result of the observation and to get more data related to this research.

The researcher was given questionnaire to the students in order to know the further opinions about the students’ problem in learning vocabulary by using crossword puzzle at the first semester of the seventh grade students of MTs.s Al-Ikhlas Lambuya.

From the data collection technique above, the researcher made an instrument:

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, firsthand information by observing people and places at a research sites. In this research was used observation manual that the researcher prepared it before. The aspects of teaching learning process are described as follows:

Table 1 Observation Guideline


Component of Observation

Pointer of Observation



To know the process of teaching learning vocabulary

by using crossword puzzle

Seven steps to apply crossword puzzle



Seven teacher’s problems


To know the teacher’s problems during the process

while applying crossword puzzle

in teaching vocabulary by using crossword






To know the students’problems in learning

vocabulary by using crossword puzzle

Four student’s problems in

learning vocabulary by using crossword puzzle


The research was used one to one type’s interview. The researcher was interview an English teacher to obtain the data about the teacher’s problems in teaching vocabulary. The guideline of interview can be described as follows:


Table 2 Interview Guideline for the Teacher



Component of Interview


To know the general process of English teaching learning activity, teaching learning vocabulary and by using crossword puzzle.


To know whether crossword puzzle can improve the students’ vocabulary



To know the teacher’s problems during the process while applying crossword

puzzle in teaching vocabulary.


The researcher was used the questionnaire to get the detail information of students’ problems in learning vocabulary through crossword puzzle. The guideline of the questionnaire can be described as follows:

Table 3 Questionnaire Guideline for the Students


Component of Questionnaire


To know the students’ motivation and interest in learning vocabulary.


To know the students’ improvement in learning vocabularyby using crossword



To know the students’ problem in learning vocabularyby using crossword



To obtain the accurate data, the researcher will follow the procedures of research in the following steps based on Creswell’s, Educational Research (7)




Figure 1 the procedure of research


Data analysis is the process of organizing the data in order to obtain regularity of the pattern of form of the research. According to Miles and Huberman there are three major phrases of data analysis: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification (1994). This following figure illustrates the component of data analysis by Miles and Huberman.

Figure 2 Interactive Model


It shows that qualitative data analysis is a continuous. Issues of data reduction, of display, and of conclusion drawing/verification come into figure successively as analysis episodes follow each other, but the other two issues are always part of the ground. These are clear explanation about data analysis process of this research.



AlQhatani, Mofareh. 2015. The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How be

Bauer, Laurie. 1998. Vocabulary. United State of America: Routledge.

Claire, Elizabeth. 2010. Easy English Crossword Puzzles. America: Eardley Publications.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching, Four Edition. England: Pearson Education

Hiebert, Elfrieda H, Michael L. Kamil. 2005. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Holmes, B. J. 2002. Solving Cryptic Crosswords. London: A&C Black Publisher.

Hornby. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lee, W.R. 1980. Language Teaching Games and Contests: 2nd Edition. Great Britain: Oxford University Press

Moursund, Dave. 2006. Introduction to Using Games in Education: A Guide for Teachers and

Parents Teacher Education. College of Education: University of Oregon.

Schmitt, Norbert. 2000. Vocabulary in Language Teaching. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.

Turnbory, Scott. 2002. How to teach Vocabulary. Harlow: Pearson Education. University Press.








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